Important decisions that could greatly affect the evolution of a company are difficult to make. Even with the support of a group of top managers, the one who makes the final decision is still thinking until he decides. And, after all, it’s normal to be like that. The responsibility of running a business is very high, customers, partners, employees, and their families depend on that person. The main concerns of entrepreneurs when thinking about recruiting Asian workers are easy to put to rest:
- The long duration of time for bringing foreign workers to Romania
- Uncertainty given by apparently less rigorous control of the process of recruiting Asian workers
- The conditions offered and the costs incurred with foreign workers
- The possibility that foreign workers do not integrate into already formed teams
- Cultural and linguistic differences that could affect the activity
- The fear was that these people might not do their jobs or might flee the country or go to another employer
All these concerns are generated by the fear of the unknown. The people who make the decisions to recruit Asian workers do not have all the information related to the whole process. Let’s explain each one separately!
The long duration of time for bringing foreign workers to Romania
We all know generalities heard from various acquaintances or people who may have heard something about the subject. The period of bringing foreign workers to Romania varies from case to case and is influenced by several aspects. Among them, the requirements of the job, the agency you work with, the country of origin of the worker. How strong the partner agency in the worker’s home country is also important. For the most accurate estimate, it would be best to contact us..
Otherwise, from previous experiences, not few, it can take between 40-45 and 120 calendar days. However, we are constantly working to improve these times.
Comparing the duration of recruitment of Romanians and the recruitment of Asian workers it also helps.
In the case of One Staff, the recruitment period starts from 40-45 calendar days and can reach up to 120 days. Is included here the selection of candidates (already existing on our platform) and watching video skills. But also organizing online interviews (for employers who request this), obtaining work permits and visas, and traveling to Romania.
In the case of employees from Romania, the recruitment process (advertisement publication, CV collection, interviews, and practical tests) takes approximately 20-30 working days. Add 1-5 working days to make the hiring decision, another 1-3 days for the candidate’s response. Then there is another 20 to 45 business days’ notice period. In total between 42 and 83 working days which translate into approximately 60 to 120 calendar days.
And the bad part is that, at the end of this period, the employee can only come to work for a few days and they don’t like it anymore. Another reason for leaving would be that it is not found of the company culture. Or he gets a better offer from another company and leaves without the employer being able to do anything. And the recruitment process starts from scratch.
Uncertainty given by apparently less rigorous control of the process of recruiting Asian workers
One Staff Romania analyzes the needs of each client and looks for the right person for each position. A first selection is made directly from the platform, where those interested can see the level of experience in a similar position. The desired salary, the candidate’s country of origin, a picture and a video demo of the skills are also available. After this first selection, the client gets access to the CV. We then recommend organizing an online video interview, where he can conduct the discussion with the candidates himself. Recruiting Asian workers thus becomes easier.
The decision to hire or not to hire a candidate rests entirely with the client who can control all stages of the recruitment process.
The conditions offered and the employer’s costs with foreign workers
Asian worker recruitment process costs are zero for over 90% of positions filled by foreign workers. If we are talking about hard-to-cover, niche jobs, there will be an additional discussion here.
The client must pay only the work permit fee, at the Treasury, of 500 lei. If he wants the work permit application documents to be drawn up by One Staff Romania lawyers, he pays 1309 lei, VAT included.
The costs generated by the foreign worker are represented by an average salary on the market, decent accommodation, and meal vouchers. At the end of the 2-year employment contract, the employer will also pay for the return air ticket to the worker’s home country. If the employer wishes to keep the worker even after the conclusion of the contract, he is free to reach an agreement with the worker in this regard.
The possibility that foreign workers do not integrate into already formed teams
For those who ask us for this, One Staff Romania helps and can get involved in the integration of foreign workers in companies. Some general tips:
- All workers must have equal treatment and rights, regardless of whether they are Romanian or foreign
- An activity bonus system can lead to increased productivity
- Romanian employees must be reassured that their jobs are not threatened by the presence of foreigners in the company
- A few Romanian team leaders could take over the role of mentors for the foreign workers and should help them with any problem
- Work to be paid according to results.
Language barriers can be easily overcome. One Staff Romania candidates know enough English to be able to manage in their professional activity but also in their personal time. Also, the great majority is willing to learn the Romanian language. Usually this happens in a very short time.
Cultural differences can be overcome through company-wide dialogue, respecting employees’ personal space and needs.
And in this sense, One Staff Romania can offer additional assistance.
The fear that these people might not do their jobs or might flee the country or go to another employer
Foreign workers who want to work in Romania must be respected and appreciated for their efforts, just like in the case of Romanian workers. The work schedule must be respected, extra work appreciated, open communication, dialogue must be encouraged. Team integration also plays an important role.
If the foreign worker receives a salary according to his expectations and the promises made, has a normal working environment, decent and fair conditions, he will be motivated to complete his contract
Moreover, these workers pay commissions of 3000 – 4000 dollars in their countries of origin to be able to work in Romania. Most of the time this small fortune comes from credits and loans. Offering a decent, market-level salary will help them pay off their debts in the shortest possible time, but also help their families, their main goal. Thus, those who come on salaries of 2000 lei have the highest chances of not concluding their contracts.
On the other hand, those who do not pay such fees, not having the responsibility of a loan, also have the highest rate of job abandonment.
These are the reasons why One Staff Romania negotiates candidate salaries with each client, to ensure the creation of a fair commitment for all parties.
Bună ziua.Am și eu o intrebare.Sunt din Arad și cunosc persoane din Sri Lanka ,care sunt transferați aici în Arad pentru firma Meteor și care de 2 luni stau fără bani,fără lucru,fără mâncare,și pe nimeni nu interesează.Asa ceva sa faci unor oameni?Cine poate sa mi dea un răspuns??Sincer mi se rupe sufletul sa vad asa ceva..Mulțumesc.Poate pot primi și un răspuns,pentru ca asa ceva este inuman.
Buna ziua,
În cadrul One Staff ne implicăm activ în integrarea muncitorilor străini în companiile angajatoare. Orice fel de problemă este rezolvată astfel încât toate părțile implicate să fie la final mulțumite. 95% dintre muncitorii aduși de noi sunt multumiți și își respectă contractele.
Ne pare rău pentru situația descrisă de dumneavoastră, firma menționată nu se numără printre clienții noștri, nu avem cum interveni sau face ceva în acest sens. Muncitorii străini vin în țară în baza unui contract de muncă și au aceleași drepturi ca și românii. Prin urmare, se pot adresa ITM daca nu rezolvă problemele cu angajatorul.
Sperăm ca situația lor să se rezolve.